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The Topmarks family of fonts are designed to;

  • Be free and easy to get and use;
  • Allow free and straightforward sharing, distribution and alteration of the fonts.
  • Contain simple and straightforward letterforms to give excellent legibility and recognition.
  • Provide simple forms to help children easilly make recognisable letterforms and writing

Topmarks is a typeface family being developed for everyday use in infant learning.

The fonts are being developed in response to teachers and educators who find a lack of fonts suitable to use in creating teaching and educational resources for young children.

The fonts are ideal for teaching and have many uses, from printables, such as worksheets, posters and class display materials, through to digital technologies such as word processing, interactive whiteboard resources and on web sites.

The Topmarks Fonts are Free Software, released under the Open Font License. This means they can be used freely and easilly without the extra costs and complications that restrictive licensing can bring into the classroom.

The Topmarks fonts can be used freely in all kinds of ways, including;

  • printing
  • as webfonts
  • embedding in digital documents
  • embedding in software applications

Being Free Software ensures that the Topmarks fonts can be used in commercial or non-commercial works, shared, given away, or even altered.

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'Topmarks' is based on another Free Software font, 'Muli' (above).

Muli has already proved a useful font in classrooms, because of it's straightforward and legible design, so the Topmarks fonts have been built out of Muli's characters with the introduction of some functions to help young readers and writers.

Topmarks is being developed in various weights and versions to suit various needs found in children's learning.


First versions of the Topmarks fonts are freely available. Download them from the links below.

The fonts are available in both OpenType and TrueType formats. There is also a webfont kit available for using the Topmarks fonts in web pages.

The Topmarks Fonts have been steadily under part time development for nearly 12 months. It is now planned to raise funding for increased development of the fonts via indiegogo so that the fonts can be completed in a full and concentrated effort.

If you want to add to Topmarks' funding, please visit the Topmarks Fonts indiegogo site.

The Topmarks Fonts have been steadily under development for nearly 12 months. It is now planned to raise development funding via indiegogo so that the fonts can be developed further, and completed in a more concentrated effort.